Tuesday 11 November 2008

let us remember...

When I was at school I studied war poetry for my English Literature O Level (yes, I'm that old) and here are a couple of my own feeble attempts (written aged 14, if that makes them any the more excusable).

Anyway, the sentiment remains - let us not forget...


March on, march on through wind and rain,

Through tiredness, thirst, and aching pain.

With old holed boots, and war torn coats

As the mustard gas burns their throats.

Carrying the wounded, the limbless, the sick;

The going is heavy, the mud is thick.

March on, march on - to war and glory!

But the war is old, and the battle gory.

With just one dream - to be home again

Without the war, without the pain;

They long to hold their loved ones tight

And sleep right through one peaceful night.

English War Heroes

Think of all those young lives lost,

All that suffering and pain.

So many men who gave their all -

So much loss for so little gain.

The lucky ones came home

Wounded, scarred and tired;

Home they came and brought us peace,

They should be forever admired.

They fought for England, north and south,

For every boy and girl,

They fought for black, they fought for white,

And for peace throughout the world.

The rich men and the poor men

Fought together, side by side;

They lived together, they died together,

They are our English Pride.

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed the first one the most. It was pretty insightful for a 14 year old.


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