Friday 21 November 2008

Friends Un-Re-United....

Planning your wedding, I am finding, is a great way to get back in touch with those friends that have somehow slipped away over the years. We are building our guest list and I would like to invite all the people who have helped and supported me over the years - my little way of saying thank you.

Now you're probably thinking - if these people have been such good friends, then why are you no longer in contact with them? Good point. But then life happens. People move, jobs change, couples split up, you get sick - whatever. It happens.
I have often regretted losing contact with a few of my past buddies, and I confess that this is probably of my own doing - though not intentional. I am not a good correspondant. I get embarrassed. When life has dealt me a bowl of sh*t, then the last thing I want to do is talk or write about it to my friends - I want to share happy news and successes and more positive stuff. I get to feel that they won't really want to know. So I let things drop. Then time passes, and the longer I have left it the worse I feel and I get too shy to write...

So, with the up-coming wedding next year I have decided that I now have the perfect reason to track down some old mates, and at least let them know that this is FINALLY happening for me. Then I can get back into correspondence with them, and when it comes to sending invitiations - hey presto, they will not be totally surprised, and hopefully I will have a few more special people to share my special day with.

This being the case, I started with the ex-wife of the man for whom my ex-fiance (when I was engaged before about 12 years ago) was best man (got it so far?). I knew roughly who she worked for so I thought I might find her on an internet search - which I did in a roundabout way, not through her employer, but through an association for which she is on the board. Anyway, I wrote to her last week with trepidation, explaining how I had found her, promising that I was not a stalker and asking her to respond if she would like to renew our friendship.
To my delight, the very next day she called. I knew it was her as soon as she spoke, and we had the most fabulous chat for over two hours! It was like I had only seen her 10 days ago, not 10 years. I was chuffed to pieces! We left it that she would email me her full contact details - email address, telephone etc - and then we would arrange to meet up.

That was a week ago now - I still haven't heard from her.
I know she has internet both at work and at home.
I'm sad.
It was short.
It was sweet.
Hey ho, strike from seating plan!

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