Wednesday 12 November 2008

I know he loves me because....

If I cook, he washes up.
He remembers each monthly anniversary since we met.
He kisses me every time he leaves the room.
He offers to clear up the cat sick.
He carries the shopping.
We always hold hands.
He holds me all night long.
He soothes me when I have nightmares.
He comes to all my medical appointments.
He refuses to be called my "carer", because I don't need one.
He believes in me.
He praises all my little successes.
He holds me when things get tough.
He accepts me for who I am.
He gently pushes me when I need it.
He walks the dog when it's raining.
He puts the bins out late at night even when he's just got in from work.
He thinks I look sexy in a bikini.
He washes my back when I have a bath.
He doesn't grumble when I want to watch EastEnders.
He wants to be involved in ALL our wedding plans.
He never turns down a cuddle.
He lets me wear his jumpers - and likes it when I do.
He clears the dog poo from the garden.
He doesn't complain when I have a washing accident with his clothes.
He thinks I look lovely even when my hair is greasy.
He gets out of bed if I want a midnight snack.
He understands sometimes I want to be on my own.
He still texts me everyday from work.
He helps me dye my hair.
He won't let me go up into the loft when I'm on my own.
He loves my cooking - even though he is a (damn good) chef.
He's booked us a VIP departure lounge for our honeymoon.
He notices the things that I do around the house.
He thinks I look sexy in my glasses.
He laughs at my silly jokes.
He likes my pyjamas.
He made gallons of soup when I had a big dental operation.
He really tries to understand me.
He wants to spend the rest of his life with me!!

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