Thursday 6 November 2008


First post huh?
I would like to remain mysterious, be an entity unknown and have my posts read and appraised anonymously... but I have to start somewhere. They say write about what you know - well, I should know me, I have had 38 years of observaton. But do I really?
Afterall, who does know you best?
Your mother?
Your bestfriend?
Your significant other?
Or yourself?
Hmmm... I don't think the answer is as obvious as I first thought is was. Are we a different person to different people? Probably. Do we like to admit that fact? Probably not.
I am definitely a different person to my mother than I am to, say, my fiance. But then I believe I do have extenuatng circumstances. Well I would say that wouldn't I?!
I'm not just talking about the usual swearing, drinking, smoking type traits here; no, in my case it runs deeper. There are just things that my fiance knows and shares with me (or rather me with him) that I would not, for the forseeable future, share with my mother. They are not nice things - they are things from my past, things that have happened to me, experiences I have been through, and are still going through. As for the drinking - well, she knows I rarely touch it, the smoking - she's quite clear on how many I get through a day; and the swearing, well that's just something that "we don't do" in our family (her family) so I make sure I only do it when she's not around. Sometimes I even get a good lot out of my system before I see her, and then cleanse myself with a good "f**k!" "sh*t!" and "b*gg*r!" once she's gone. Oooooh, it's so very theraputic!
So, really I've told you quite a bit about myself already...
Budding Sherlock's will have picked up the clues so far; but for those of you lagging behind, here is the resume so far:

38 years old
mother still alive
doesn't drink
swears like a navvy
has some issues in the closet

I think that will just about do for now, don't you?

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